We are proud to have a team of dedicated doctors with varying interests and background. The doctors at Durrant Medical Clinic are committed to continually updating their skills and education. The doctors take pride in providing quality medical care and attention to families and individuals.Although it may not always be possible to see your preferred doctor, the doctors work as a team to make sure your ongoing health needs are met.
All doctors have various interests and have done further studies in specialised areas. Please read through their profiles to learn more.
General Practitioner Registrars
If you’ve noticed doctors coming and going at Durrant Medical Clinic, do not worry as this is part of the process of training Specialist General Practitioners. We are proud to have welcomed and farewelled dozens of dynamic, caring doctors over the years from our GP Registrar program (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners).
A GP Registrar is a fully qualified medical doctor, undertaking advanced training to specialise in General Practice. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (R.A.C.G.P) requires aspiring General Practitioners to complete an advanced GP training program. This specialist program will take a doctor at least two years to complete and attend placements between two to four different medical practices. Durrant Medical Clinic offers six - twelve month placements to our Registrars. Here they receive a great opportunity to work in a busy, yet supportive environment that focuses on family medicine and community health.
Being qualified medical doctors, GP Registrars are knowledgeable and skilled. At Durrant Medical Clinic they can tap into decades of experience and insight from our team. After their time with us, Registrars generally move on to their next placement. Once they complete their final exams they are fully qualified specialist General Practitioners.
Book Appointment Click on the links to get to know a little bit more about our doctors.
DR CARL JANSZ - Principal
Dr Carl Jansz MBBS FRACGP is the Principal Doctor at Durrant Medical Clinic...Read More
Dr Carl Jansz MBBS FRACGP is the Principal Doctor at Durrant Medical Clinic...Read More

Dr Wijesinghe MBBS,FRACGP graduated from the University of Otago in 2005 ......Read More
Dr Wijesinghe MBBS,FRACGP graduated from the University of Otago in 2005 ......Read More

Dr Eyles (MD) completed an undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine.......Read More
Dr Eyles (MD) completed an undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine.......Read More

Dr Robert MBBS, FRACGP, CWH, DCH, PhD graduated in Medicine at the Australian National University in 2012......Read More
Dr Robert MBBS, FRACGP, CWH, DCH, PhD graduated in Medicine at the Australian National University in 2012......Read More

BMed, MD
Dr Yiting Han graduated from Melbourne University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Biomedicine before completing.....Read More
Dr Yiting Han graduated from Melbourne University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Biomedicine before completing.....Read More

MBBS, MMed (Clin Epi)
Dr Thomas graduated from Western Sydney University in 2020......Read More
Dr Thomas graduated from Western Sydney University in 2020......Read More