Botulinum Toxin A Treatments


Jaw clenching and bruxism are habits common to people suffering from high-stress levels. The adverse effects of jaw clenching include temporomandibular joint disorder and tension headaches.

Bruxism The constant clenching of the jaw forces the muscles surrounding the jaw to contrast more than they are meant to. These tense muscles swell and result in headaches.

Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD for short, results from bruxism or constant jaw clenching. It can affect chewing and speaking ability. It may also result in lockjaw. The constant grinding and clenching of teeth cause the masseter muscles to swell. It is the masseter muscles that are responsible for jaw movement.

Botulinum Toxin A treatment targets the source of jaw clenching; the muscles surrounding the jaw. Botulin Toxin Type A is injected into the jaw nerves. The toxin relaxes the nerves and muscles around the affected area.


Hay fever is a common condition affecting around 15% of the Australian population. Melbourne's notoriously changeable weather, together with introduced grasses and vegetation, particularly birches and plane trees, result in the city suffering one of the highest allergic reactions in Australia.

Hayfever Symptoms range from mild to moderate to severe. Some of the typical symptoms experienced by patients are runny or congested nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, headaches and daytime tiredness. Many patients are left taking daily tablets and using nasal sprays with little relief.

Hay fever symptoms can be reduced in severity for several months (results vary) by spraying Botulinum Toxin A into the nose.

Botulinum toxin, commonly known for relaxing muscles of facial expression, is increasingly being used to reduce hay fever symptoms. Over the last decade, research has demonstrated that botulinum toxin is a treatment option for hay fever sufferers in whom other therapies have failed or those patients who do not wish to take daily medication.

The botulinum toxin works by blocking the conduction of nerve signals in the nasal passage which triggers the onset of hay fever symptoms.

For more information and fees or to book your consultation with Dr Shashi Wijesinghe call 03 9592 5133 or email Durrant Medical Clinic here.